Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Picked up right where I left off.

Today was just like my last 2 days in Texas. I made a couple of stupid decisions and landed just outside the start circle. Son of a B#%$h. I havn't heard from the other Canadians yet but my team of Davis and the Jeff's did really well.

We had a 1/4 tail wind and a 157 km task to the west. Lift was light and patchy at the airport and the wind kept pushing me further and further from the course line. I made a couple of low saves and climbed up to 1400 m and tried to punch into the wind to get to the other side of the course line. But every time I got low and desperate and had to drift down wind in scrappy lift. I got too low going into a small treed area and tried to ridge soar the tree line for a couple passes but ended up in a nice feild next to the high way. Belinda was nice enough grab me as soon as I was packed up.
From what I have heard, Davis was 12th into goal today and has taken the lead in the competition he has with Gerolf as he landed short today. I have heard that there are about 30 pilots in goal. Todays results will change the launch order a lot. We have an ordered staging for launch with the top 30 ranked pilots getting priority launch, 15 in each of 2 launch lines with every one else in the 2 launch lines lined up in order of their world rankings. Then there are us in the "C" line. I love the "C" line, Thanx Bill Moyes. The "C" line is filled with all of the pilots that they wern't sure of their AT experiance, and ordered based off of their world ranking. I am 9th in line but no priority pilots AND we get all of the best tug pilots. It was great to be towed up by Bobby Bailey right into the lift at exactly the time I wanted to launch.

This is our little room at the Apex trailer park. 2 beds 3 guys no room. I sleep on the matress on the floor between the beds and the sink.

There was a bit of confusion with some gear that Clay and I ordered from Brett. Jorge was suposed to bring it from Skyline but when I saw him he didn't know anything about it. I eventually found them with Seppi after talking to every german pilot here. This is Clays new salad bowl.

I love the names of stuff around here!

To answer a couple of questions: Ralphs nick name is BGR, Jeff O,Brien's Blog is called Life, Work and Hang Gliding.


Tom Lanning said...

Thanks for the updates and good luck.

benyl said...

Patience Daniel-san. Patience.

Remember, you must learn to paint the fence, wax da car and sand da floor before you can practice Karate.

A bit different flying over there eh?

glider925 said...

Damn!! That's one sexy lid, no more looking like The Great Gazoo... I trust you'll pack it in a pound of bubble wrap for preservation 'till my hands are on it?? :)

later buddy,