Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hit the spot.

Not really but I was closer than some and had a nice landing that didn't require any new parts. So a total success. Last night after getting back from Buffalo I ran around trying to find the Ozzy equivalent of crazy glue to fix my battens. I got to the only open store in town just as it closed and begged them to let me in. They did, Thanx. I then took Jonny's advice and repaired the cracks. I ended up gluing my fingers together a couple of times but I think they are as good as new. I hear that this cracking is a problem with all of these battens but with no spares here I think they will work just fine until I can get them replaced.
We sat up on launch at Mystic until 2:30 today hoping that the grey overcast day would break. It didn't so the organizers came up with a spot landing contest. No one was really interested until they offered up $500.00 to the winner. I have never seen 30 gliders set up so quick. Like all of the flying activities it was well organized with spotters, scoring, a launch order and rules. Olav from Norway won with a perfect long ground effect glide right to a no step flare on the center of the target. OB and Montana tried to tie their gliders in knots before trying for the spot with OB short and Montana real long. I was long as well but I opted for the safe landing past the spot versus the hail Mary flair. It was nice to fly and I had a chance to "test" my batten repair and it is all good. As usual here after we fly we went to the best ice cream shop in the wolrd for a waffle cone. They make unique small batches of very light creamy ice cream and it is the best. Everyone stops there and sits on the patio and lies to each other about their flights. I have been there 3 4 days in a row now and I am experiencing ice cream overload. I hope the last 3 days of the comp are flyable and taskable so this portion of my trip won't be for not. Tonight the organizers have arranged a BBQ and a night of lawn bowling. Should be fun. L8R

1 comment:

GliderMike said...

Wise choice on tthe spot landing. A trip to the ER to fix broken, bent or cracked body parts can easily cost more than $500.00. You sound more up today. Your assignment for the rest of the meet is to stay positive. Have fun, fly safe and well, and don't totally overload on the ice cream.