Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bowling and the Blues

Once again the day gets called off due to weather. So far it has been: too smokey, too windy, too hot (roads closed due to fire index), too cloudy and stable and now today too cloudy with base below launch and rain. What is next, a tornado or maybe a tsunami from the lake? After waiting through the 9:00, 10:30 and 11:30 pilots meeting we head up the steep rough road to Mt. Emu only to wait up there for an hour in the rain until the day was called as clouds were forming below us and the upper clouds were only a few hundred feet over our heads. On the way down the gliders shifted and our PVC rack packed it in. When we got down the mountain some of the pilots that stayed up could be seen flying, which made it even worse.

I really need a hug. :(

Now I hope that this system seems to have worked itself through so we can get at least the last 2 days of flying in. I would like to leave hear not only with fond memories of the people I have met but also the flying I have done.

The view of Mt. Bogong after we came down from Emu

The Swedish tear with Andreas (on the right) who has helped the Jeff's immensely with tuning tips and techniques. Their duct tape weapons are gliding as well as anything else.

I have to thank the owners of the Alpenhorn. Not only have they done my laundry but they have been gracious enough to let me use their private computer in their house to post my blog. Thanx a lot!

Jorge has taken well over 1000 pics this trip and I will share some of them with you later as he is putting them on cd for me. Here he is last night at lawn bowling. 50 pilots showed up to drink beer and trow stuff.

A big thanx to Heather and Carol that despite the bad luck with the weather have done an admirable job trying to keep us entertained.

1 comment:

GliderMike said...

When I used to skydive, and the weather was crapped out, we'd sacrifice a student to the weather gods in situations like you guys are having. Good luck on the weather and the flying for the rest of the meet.