Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Long fast and ran out of room.

All of us staged up and ready to go.

Ralph getting his game face on.

130 km out on course.

OB and I in goal.

Why we couldn't fly any further.

The average task here has been over 200 km each day and task 4 was no different. We started a little earlier today as they wanted to call a 300 km task! The forcast didn't support it so instead they called a 237 km task towards Manilla. They added 30 minutes to the front of the launch window so i towed up early and worked my way into position for the top 30 race start @ 2:30. I was 1000 feet below the main gagle for the start and 1000 ft above Davis (his glider is easy to pick out). As it was blue, the climbes were week and we were only getting to 1500 m in the start gate my plan was to stay with a group and work together to do the task. I picked a good group, I was in the chasing gagle with some really good pilots like Olli, Joerge, Davis and 12 others and we spent the day trying to chase the lead gaggle down. We glided fast, all spread out, searched out the thermal cores and worked together well. The miles flew by, the first leg just over 100 km to the turn point seemed to happen so fast. The second leg to goal was a little bit tougher as the climbes started to get weeker and further apart. As we aproached the goal, a grass airstrip at the base of some mountains. My numbers were looking good and we were all climbing in a broken themal. I was right in the middle of the gagle when my vario said that I had a 12/1 into the goal. After flying into the ground the day before I was nervouse but there was a glider turning in front of me a few km so I could top up if I needed it. I was the first from our group to make a run at it and I flew through a bunch of lift so as my numbers got better I sped up. I crossed the line just a couple of seconds before a few other guys from the group I was with. It was a 30 day for the rest of the Canadians. Barry was 30 km from the start, Ralph was 30 km from the turn point and Jeff was 30 km from Goal. My team did well with davis and Jeff O beating me in by a few minuts and Jeff s just short after losing his VG up his down tube and flying for 80 km without it. The task was long but we couldn't have flow any further as the mountains got in the way. I think this was my best all around day of racing that I have ever had.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dude

I’m getting real jealous of you out there Scott!! Liking the blog mind. Keep it up.
Looks like the flying is great out there. Are you doing the Florida comps too in April? We should be out there if we can get our gliders out.

Enjoy and fly safe

Rich Lovelace

2011 Canadian Paragliding World Team said...

Great Job Buddy. Great blogging as it is all I have to do well I wait for my chance to entertain the locals while I am gone. Glad your flying well you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Look who's the athlete now. Great job Super hero Scott...keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Scott, You are doing well. I also appreciate you keeping us posted about how OB1 and Montanna Jeff are doing. Keep up the good work. Those of us in Utah who know you either directly, or indirectly thru OB1 are rooting for you. Of course, we're also rooting for OB1, and Montanna Jeff, aka "The Jeffs".