Monday, January 1, 2007

Birds, Beds and pimpin Wheels

This is the meet head quarters in Forbes. Like everything else in the town it feels like i have entered a time warp. Every building is pristine, just like it was 65 years ago. A lot of the pilots are staying in the hotel as you can see.

There are parrots everywhere here. I thought they were smart birds but yesterday there was a small flock of them that would fly ahead of us in the car, land and would only move once we almost hit them. They did this 4 times in a row.

Met up with Ralph, he has been up flying at Manilla and his last flight there was a 129 km out and return. He is driving around the country in the pimpiest of boogie vans. He has met a lot of Ozzy pilots already and they have already given him a nick name.


Anonymous said...

Is that what they call Ralph, eats, shoots, roots, and leaves? I almost pissed myself laughing!! I know your waiting for this question, Where is the Canadian Flag??!

Mark Dowsett said...

come on...give it up...what is the nick-name (and story to go with it)

Anonymous said...

Hey where's the Canadian flag. I like the sign on Ralphs window, I almost pissed myself laughing.
