Today was the first task of my first worlds and I was very happy with how I flew. I was the second pilot to launch from the south line. My world ranking puts me in 48th place in the launch out of 110 pilots. This meant that in our line ( the even pilots) I was 24 back from the front of the line. The last couple of days have been very soft until later on i the day so no one was in a big hurry to get going. I loaded up at 1:45, launch opened at 1:30 and stood in the staging line by myself for 20 minutes until I saw most of the guys in front of me ( the top pilots) getting suited up and then I launched. There were 3 start gates today, 2:15, 2:45 and 3:15. It became very obvious to me that no one wanted to take the 2:15 time as we were only half way to the 16 km start circle and punching back up wind. The gaggles were pretty intense for the next 30 minutes but I made sure that I stayed with a large group as I have a history of finding myself alone at the start. It worked out well as I was fairly high and with a good gaggle. I'm not sure who was flying my glider today as I usually charge ahead and screw myself but today I hung with the gaggle and was pleasantly surprised many times as I thermalled up with Brett, Jonny, Attila, Lucas and many others. I spent most of the task within a couple of hundred feet of Brett, that was cool. But as usual I got impatient right at the end. at 22 km from goal I was climbing in a weak broken climb as the guys above me went on final. My numbers had just gone positive so rather than stick with the climb I decided to best glide towards goal and "see what happens". I flew through 2 thermals in the first few km so I thought it might work out. I couldn't of been more wrong. I glided for 15 km and didn't get a freakin beep. My numbers had gone to crap and I was low and desperate, but I wasn't alone. Scott Barrett and another pilot were needing a top up as well, when I hooked up with them I was 200 ft off of the ground and 100 ft below them. I couldn't pull it off but they did after 10 minutes they were up and away and I was pulling battens next to the cotton field that I landed in.
Brett made goal and Ross was one of the last guys into goal as well. Way to go guys.
I was 5 km short and Berrnie was 20 km short.
Mark and Jon got flushed early with many others.
There were a lot of big names missing from goal with 40 pilots to make it.

The pilts from the "even" line hanging out prior to launch.

Coming off of the cart.

Moore was at goal when the lead gaggle came in.

I hate packing up alone. I am way to extraverted for this.
great coverage bro. Keep blogging as there are those who are completely living vicariously through you. Love the pics and give us the dirt that happens behind the scenes. Cheers~
Patience, Patience. Good job anyway, you are still ahead of a lot of very good pilots, which continues to make you a very very good pilot. Continue to learn from past errors, and improve.
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