Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fly like a Brazillian, what that means to me.

This morning I had a chat with Andre Wolf and it was then that I discovered that my post yesterday had been misunderstood. I was very proud of how I flew yesterday. I was aggressive, I didn't waste any time in weak lift I pushed hard to catch up to the lead gaggle. After 70 km I had caught them. I was very proud of myself. I then continued to push hard and fly aggressively. When the lift would die I would leave and very few pilots would come with me. This worked for the first few times but after a long glide I was very low and tried to find the core from less than 200 ft. I fell out the side and only had enough time to turn back into the wind and land.

Those that know me know that I am an aggressive pilot, I still have a great deal to learn and that is why I come to the largest comps and fly against the best. I have a great deal of respect for all of the Brazilian pilots I have had the pleasure of flying with and I have chosen to model my style of flying after many of them. When I asked my good friend what had happened to the Brazilian team on day one he summed it up by saying that Brazilian pilots fly like men, race like men, win like men or land short like men. This style is something I look up to. With the weather conditions being as soft as they are here this year so far it has favored the cautious pilot. And if you look at the results so far many great pilots have had some very bad luck. I hope this helps you to understand what I feel and what I meant when I said that I flew like a Brazilian, I was proud.

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