It was the first day of racing today. 60 of us lined our gliders up in the desert to start our adventure. While we were waiting a few dust devils came through the launch line and tossed a few gliders around. One picked up Rob's glider and flipped it over Bruce's landing upside down on Tyler's. As we only had 1 hr to the first start gate I wanted to go early so I was suited up and second in line behind Davis. Got towed up to start a 110 km triangle. Just as last year there was an inversion that kept us only 2500 ft off the deck in the start circle. I was in decent enough shape for the first start so I took it with about 10 others who were just over my head. It was slow to the first TP but I got there high, The second leg was crosswind and went a bit quicker as I was being chased now by a group that took the second start. Got low 8 km before the second tp but dove into a dustie and climbed back out to 2400 m. Now we had to fly the last 38 km into a 15 head wind. It was going well I was even with the lead gaggle but to the right of their line as I wanted to fly over the mountain that was on course line. I thought this was a great plan until I got there and found nothing but choppy air. I tried working it for as long as I could and at times I was so close I could see the needles on the cactus. I landed in a field just south of town at the base of the mountain. It sucks to be able to see goal and not get there. Only twelve pilots made goal today which makes me feel a bit better about how I flew today. There is always tomorrow.

The resort and the launch line in the desert.

At 5000 ft on course.

The field (to the right) and the mountain that ate me up.

Waiting for my ride.

Kelly and his wife hung out with me while I waited for my ride. They are expecting their fist baby, been married for a year. He is 21 and she is 17. They met online in a pagan chat room. He is from Texas and she is from Maryland. They have been "camping" in the field that I landed in for 2 months. I wish them well and good luck.
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