Saturday, April 14, 2007

There to here.

The trip went great. It was wild to see 4 hang gliders go on the plane at the same time. Rob picked us all up and we went to the air port and checked in with no problems. Mark was there waiting for his gear so he could clear customs. The flight was smooth, they had seated us all together but the plane was empty enough that we all had a whole row of seats to ourselves. As soon as our gliders come out of the baggage area Jim was there with the van and we made our way to quest after stopping for dinner. The tent trailer was all set up as well as the tent so we just started visiting and catching up with old friends. It is great to be back. Yesterday we put our gliders together and all did some flying. Rob was the first off and eventually we all followed doing extended sled runs as there was very little weak broken thermals. I had 3 flights, each time tweaking my glider a little bit trying to get it to handle just right (Brett I miss you). Last night Rob, Mark, Bernie and i went out for the funniest meal I have ever had. After we had talked and joked with the waitress for about an hour it as discovered that she thought we were all Gay! The guys thought that she thought I was gay so I asked and it was then that she said that she thought we all were. I guess in Florida if you are friendly and polite you must be gay. Last night we played poker until 1 am with Rob winning the game and $120. I thought I had him with a full house, Queens and 4's but he had the only other queen and beat me. (bugger!) After a great home cooked breakfast of French toast and fresh fruit ( thanx cha cha ) we tore our gliders down because it is blowing pretty good and is supposed to get much worse tomorrow.

Thanx to Westjet all of our gliders got here in one piece. Westjet Rocks!

We put our gliders back together right outside of Camp Canada by the lake.

Going for another tow.

Team Muller.

Our waitress Brenda and here new Gay friends.

The wind starts to blow and will get stronger today and tomorrow.

Visiting under the shade tree.

A view of the club house.

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