Bernard is my hero!!!!
More on that later.
The last few days have not been great. There was a front that moved through early Sunday morning that had tornado warnings and high wind. When the front hit it dropped 6" of rain on us in 20 minutes. There was still a lot of wind on Monday so no flying again.
So here are my choices....
Hang with Mark = sit in the club house with a laptop all day.
Hang with Rob = stay in bed until after lunch.
Hang with Jim = watching him and Cha Cha smootch and hear "I love you... I love you more" all day.
Hang with Bernard = go to the mall and go shopping.
I went shopping.
On Monday thanks to the help of Awesome Bob I made some ear covers for my Skyline helmet out of a couple of a mouse pad and installed a push-to-talk. Later that evening the wind mellowed out enough to get a tow in. I have had a lot of help from Craig and mostly Gerolf to get my glider flying right, I have towed it a ton trying to get it tweaked and I think I might have it sorted now. I got a 1 degree tip from Craig last night which I hope will get rid of the last little bit of turn it has. I will find out today.

The task yesterday was a 110 km dogleg with a 1/4 tail wind to the first turn point 1/2 way out and then a little more down wind to goal. There was very little lift at the start as we all sat on the ground and watched the rigid just hang out and not climb. Finally after 45 minutes the flex wings started to launch and slowly the sky filled up with wings. The thermals were REALLY crowded and my neck is sore today from trying to keep track of everyone. I watched a couple of near midairs and was glad when we finally went. As the lift was sooo light and we were only getting 2500 ft off of the ground no one wanted to go so everyone waited until the last gate at 3:30 to go I had a good position at the start... too good. I ended up leading out and had a long glide but was alone to try and find my next thermal. It took me a while to did myself out of that hole as the most of the field passed over my head and found the climb above me. I then made a typical "Scott" decision and flew very aggressive trying to catch up. I ended up low one too many times and landed short of the turn point across the road from a elephant farm. Bernard was smart, patient and was 8th into goal of only 9 pilots that made it in. I am very proud of him for flying so well, the field here is very good and he showed that he is world class!
Mark and Jim landed 10 km further up the road from me and Ross and Rob were closer to Quest. It is a new day and the weather looks promising so we will be flying again. Look for results on the Oz report.

The set up area.

In the air with the Italians.

Team Canada.